Sunday, April 18, 2010


The Arlington National Cemetery was officially built to be a military cemetery only on June 15, 1864. The Cemetery consists of military veterans from all the U.S. wars. They have people from the American Revolution to the Persian Gulf War, Somalia, and also the pre-civial war they where added after 1990. There are several different sections to the Cemetery but in section 27 there is more them 3,800 former slaves there where known as the "Contrabands". There headstones are designted with two different words on them some have the word "Civilian" on them. The other ones have the word "Citizen" in graved in there headstones.

There are a lot of interesting facts about the Arlington National Cemetery but the one that i thought was the most interesting facts was that, at the Cemetery the flags are flown at half staff from the first hour before the first funeral until a half hour after the last funeral. They normally have funerals five times a week but not on weekends. The Arlington Cemetery still averages twenty funerals per day. The Cemetery also have around 6,400 burials every year. The Arlington National Cemetery is the second largest cemetery in the United States Of America.

The Arlington National Cemetery Has one of the larger areas where people have there cremated remains in the United States. There is Four Courts in use each one of them has 5,000 niches. When the constuction at the Cemetery is complete there will be nine courts with a total of 50,000 niches. The courts then will have the impresive capacity for 100,000 remains.

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